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Defintiy Unix Root Question?

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Technical User
Jul 14, 2004
I read that Definity Prologix and G3's run on Oryx Pecos, which is a flavor of Unix. I was wondering if it is possible to get shell access on a Definity switch? Is there a root account, or is that what the Init account is? I know when you log into Intuity as root, you get a shell, and I was wondering if that is possible with a Definity switch. Thanks,


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There is another level of access, with the Avaya logins, but it doesn't look anything like Unix. It does allow to do searches like unix and other things, but like the unix in INtuity, it is not provided to the customer, and any access is a violation of the customer aggreement.
I have a fully functional system that I don't plan on touching. It is fully licensed and in operation. I did buy a complete copy of our system on fleabay that I plan on messing with. I have allready "Got Root" on the Intuity box. That was easy, because it has a harddrive that I can pop into another machine, but I have a feeling that the Definity will be a little tougher. I am trying to get a processor interface cable so I can bring up a terminal on it. I am wondering if it stores the passwd file on the translations card? If it resembles Unix in anyway, then it is vulnerable. I am just one of those guys that just want to get deeper into things than I am supposed too. I want to see what I can do with these puppies. Now that I have root on the Intuity box, I can add an intel pro 100 on an old Map 5 instead of the overpriced SMC ISA card that is the only one that the system is supposed to support. Things like this are fun for me. I know I need to get out more. So the hardware that I am playing with, is hardware that I do not have an agreement with Avaya anyway. The more I learn about my test bed, the more I will know about my real system. Knowledge is power! If anyone else has more info on this I would love to hear it. Thanks,


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The OS that is on the traditional Definity processors is not like any normal Unix, the filesystem on the flash cards is not a format that anything can read (to my knowledge).. The cards have to be formatted on the processors to work.

The highest access that a user can get on the processors is CRAFT, depending on what version you get, they're all protected by the ASG security algorithm..

The newer definity systems that run on linux is something that you'd probably be more interested in. AVAYA is totally changing their PBX schema, so its a rather waste of your time to mess with the older gear since its outdated and unsupported in the future scheme.

I do realize it is kinda out of date, but our company spent a fortune on this switch. Our President plans on running this thing into the grave, so I will have to support it for a long time. The more I know about it, the better off I am. We also dropped support on it just over a year ago, so I am completely on my own. I have been testing out Asterisk as a backup plan just in case. I love Asterisk. Thanks,


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the other level of access is TCM, which is still unlike Unix. There is no unix like interface available on a Definity. Don't confuse a unix kernel with unix utilities and programs. Those are not present in any level of definity

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There is no super-user access to the UNIX shell in the Definity software. UNIX shell access is restricted to 'init' login only for system maintenance for Avaya Tier 3 and above.
what command do u use to get into the unix shell when logged using init? I have been logged in as init and didn't see anything different. Only that u can turn on features.
In the new S8X00's, its 'go shell'. I never cared to know the G3r/si method because there was nothing that I needed to be able to do that I couldn't do with a services login.
go shell takes you to a linux shell prompt, which is of course not Definity. This guy doesn't have an S8x00 anyway. Also, 'go shell' is available for customers if turned on. Look at your login form, "shell access? y|n" is 'go shell' access.

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If you have init access for Definity then try this:

go tcm

go debugger

If this is a live system be very careful what you type on the command prompt.. You could get your system inoperable very easy...

I realy would like to know how you got init access...

OK, I HAD init access when I use to work for AVaya, and hopefully will have it again when I return to work.

The non-Linux based Definity PBX's do not have customer available root-access logins. You can pay for root-access on the Linux-bases Media Servers. You'll have to sign a few liability waivers and follow a few rules (unauthorized 3rd party software, tripwire ativated, etc.). Avaya does not offer root-access on the Intuity Audix platform.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, WHCARon
i did some checking. Definity is in no way derived from Unix, it was written from scratch for the PBX market.

avaya says ", the only non-administration, non-backplane messaging the OS responds to is a complete code-base rebuild or DEFINITY patches" which appears to agree with your statement, although I was told by a tier 4 Avaya engineer that , the Definity system O.S. Oryc/pecos was a perversion of Unix.
funny, I was told by a Tier 4 engineer it was created in 1978 solely for the PBX system. Besides, I have seen claims that it is based on Unix, but not once have I ever seen a mention of what version of Unix it would be derived from. I have also communicated with the maintainer of the Unix timeline project, and he likewise has no info on Oryx/Pecos originating from Unix.

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A friend of mine at Avaya says
Pero depende de la entrada que usted utiliza. Yo no pienso que la entrada de
cliente puede hacer esto. ¿Para que anuncie muchacha en tek-puntas? Yo la
golpeo con palabras y ahora ella me sale sólo"
that I put into the translator and it said
"But it depends on the entry that you use. I do
not think that the entry of
client can do this. In order that girl announces
in tek-tops? I
I throb with words and now she goes out for me
Which only confuses me more.
But the "throbs with words" sounds serious.
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