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Defaulting fields in an array to blank

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May 25, 2000
I have a form that could have up to 100 columns (based on what the user selects). I want all but the first 3 columns to default to the word BLANK. My below code is not working for all the fields - only for six fields throughout my entire form. Can anyone tell me why?

<cfloop index=&quot;i&quot; from=&quot;1&quot; to=&quot;100&quot; step=&quot;1&quot;>
<cfset cname='column' & #i#>
<cfif #i# le listlen(attributes.selectedcols)>
<cfset selcount=i>

<td><cfselect name=#cname# size=&quot;1&quot; required=&quot;Yes&quot;>
<cfif i GT 1 >
<option value=&quot;empty&quot;>Blank
<cfloop index=&quot;count&quot; from=&quot;1&quot; to=&quot;#listlen(allfields)#&quot; step=&quot;1&quot;>
<cfif columnsort is 1>
<option value=#sfieldarray[count][1]#
<cfif #listgetat(attributes.selectedcols,selcount)# is #sfieldarray[count][1]#>SELECTED</cfif>
<cfoutput><option value=#fieldarray[count][1]# <cfif #listcontainsnocase(listgetat(attributes.selectedcols,selcount),fieldarray[count][1])#>SELECTED</cfif>>#fieldarray[count][2]#</cfoutput>
<cfif #i# mod 10 eq 0></tr></cfif>
The first problem is that your &quot;BLANK&quot; <option> in each <select> isn't closed. The browser should be able to figure out what you mean because <option> tags can't be nested, but fixing that would be a good start.

Beyond that, it's hard for me to get a handle on your data flow because it seems very complex. But it looks to me like in the part where you loop over the allfields list to write the other <option> tags, every tag will have the SELECTED attribute. This is invalid and will certainly not give you the results you want. Only one <option> in each <select> should have the SELECTED attribute, and if you want the <select> boxes to default to &quot;BLANK&quot;, that is the <option> that should have the SELECTED attribute.

Do a &quot;View Source&quot; on the resulting HTML page to see if my impression is correct that every <option> tag has the SELECTED attribute. If so, there's your culprit.

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Thanks a million! I guess I just needed a pair of fresh eyes to see the obvious!
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