I am trying to set a default value in a table based on two other fields in the table.
This table gets its records via an append query. It has a primary key "SupportNoteID" and I have a field ("SupportNoteNumber" that I want to fill with the default value of [SupportNoteID](primarykey of table) &[ServiceCallNumber](appended with record). I tried putting =[SupportNoteID]& [ServiceCallNumber]as the default value in the table but this gave me an error saying it did not recognise the field.
This table gets its records via an append query. It has a primary key "SupportNoteID" and I have a field ("SupportNoteNumber" that I want to fill with the default value of [SupportNoteID](primarykey of table) &[ServiceCallNumber](appended with record). I tried putting =[SupportNoteID]& [ServiceCallNumber]as the default value in the table but this gave me an error saying it did not recognise the field.