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Default Printer Changing with Roaming Profiles

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Apr 12, 2002

Win2k Prof sp2 clients with ICA 6.01.963
Win2k Server sp2 running Citrix Metafame XP 1.0 build 1045

All users have roaming profiles.


When a user connects'normally' to the LAN at work, without Citrix, they have a default printer set. When they logoff, their profile is written to the file server. When they sign on again to any PC at work their default printer stays the same.

Then they go home and sign on with Citrix. Their default printer changes to whatever is the main printer on the client at home. When they logoff, their roaming profile is written to the file server (from the session on the citrix server).

When the user returns to work and logs on, their default printer has changed to some other printer than the one that was originally set on the LAN connected PC.


I need users to be able to set a default printer on their PC at work and also be able to print when at home. Either to the home printer or to their work printer. Then they must be able to return to work and NOT have their default printer at work changed.


The problem occours because every printers that are autocreated when the user's logs on to the server will be deleted when the users log off.

You could fix this problem if you create a printer whitin the ica session manually and set the printer as default.

Another way to workaround the problem is to edit the description field at the default autocreated printer while the user is logged on, this has to be done from within the session and this will prevent the printer from be deleted when the user logs off again.

Hope this helps,

Thanks for your info. My goal is to have the non-Citrix at-work default printer remain unchanged when a user connects to Citrix when away from the office. Especially to have whatever printer settings used during the Citrix session ignored when connecting back at-work.

I found a setting in MS Terminal Services Configuration, under the properties of the ICA connections, client settings that allows the client to either make the main client printer the default or not. When I set this to NOT make the main client printer the default, the problem went away. The client printers are still mapped and useable but the DEFAULT printer doesn't change unless the user intends this (as you describe above).

I think this will work for our purposes although there are probably other ways to achieve this result.

You may already be doing this, but it's worth checking. I have users logging in from home and in the office and the problem you're having is rarely an issue for us:

Go to start/settings/control panel/administrative tools and click on Terminal Services Configuration

Next, doubleclick on ICA-tcp properties. Select the Client settings tab and then under "Connection" uncheck "Use connection settings from user settings" and check instead "Connect to client printers at logon" and "default to main client printer."
I have a quite similar problem after a Computer & Printer move (200 PC / 20 printers)
the printer are now connected to another print server and receive another Queue name.
All the Metaframe servers are configured to remap only the default printer

The result is that no printer are maped in the ica sessions ... ! ! !

I find that for Citrix there are no default printer for this client (but wel in the "Printer & fax folder" )

I have reproduced this strange compertement with the tools DEFPTR (W2K ressource kit) that give nodefault printer on the client (Win XP pro)

The only difference on a "good" and "bad" config seem to be the title of the property windows of the default printer :

Upercase => all is good
Lowercase => no more default printer ...

Do you know the source used by Win XP to diplay the title of this window ?
It seem to be linked with the problem...

If i change the MFXP setting to map all clients printers, all the porinyters are created & the first in the list is used by default (not necessearly the same that on the Win XP client) ...

I have a quite similar problem after a Computer & Printer move (200 PC / 20 printers)
the printer are now connected to another print server and receive another Queue name.
All the Metaframe servers are configured to remap only the default printer

The result is that no printer are maped in the ica sessions ... ! ! !

I find that for Citrix there are no default printer for this client (but wel in the "Printer & fax folder" )

I have reproduced this strange compertement with the tools DEFPTR (W2K ressource kit) that give nodefault printer on the client (Win XP pro)

The only difference on a "good" and "bad" config seem to be the title of the property windows of the default printer :

Upercase => all is good
Lowercase => no more default printer ...

Do you know the source used by Win XP to diplay the title of this window ?
It seem to be linked with the problem...

If i change the MFXP setting to map all clients printers, all the porinyters are created & the first in the list is used by default (not necessearly the same that on the Win XP client) ...

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