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default input in text box from previous form

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Jan 25, 2000
I have ACCESS 2000 running a form, that the first text box calls for the date, which is formatted and masked. However at each session I may enter 200 forms in this db. I would like for the next form to remember the date from the previous form. This would save numerous keystrokes daily. maybe defining a function, would work, but I really need to keep it simple. any help is appreciated..... <p>Dewey Davis<br><a href=mailto:ddavis@dfn.com>ddavis@dfn.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
In the form module, Declarations section:<br>
Dim locDatePrev as Date<br>
In the Date Field's (txtSomDate) After Update:<br>
locDatePrev = me!txtSomeDate<br>
In the Form's Before Insert:<br>
If IsNull(Me!txtSomDate) Then Me!txtSomeDate = locDatePrev<br>
---Just re-read your question-do you mean 200 Forms, or 200 records?<br>
If it's 200 forms, then we have some other issues to deal with, not the least of which is this textbox issue :)<br>
You can grab the previous date several ways<br>
NO code way:<br>
Press Ctrl-&quot;; (the Control Key and the Quote key)<br>
this will bring over the previous value from the record above.<br>
Or if you make a &quot;Create New Record&quot; Button then you could Click it Which would add a new record and grab the previous date and set focus to a particular textbox to start keynig in data. This is the way I prefer.<br>
Private Sub Command2_Click()<br>
On Error GoTo Err_Command2_Click<br>
Dim HoldDate As Date<br>
HoldDate = Me!date<br>
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec<br>
Me!date = HoldDate<br>
Exit Sub<br>
MsgBox Err.Description<br>
Resume Exit_Command2_Click<br>
End Sub<br>
No keep in mind when you first open the form you need to position yourself on the last record you entered so it can grab the correct date.<br>
<p> DougP<br><a href=mailto: dposton@universal1.com> dposton@universal1.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
It is for 200+ forms, not records... <p>Dewey Davis<br><a href=mailto:ddavis@dfn.com>ddavis@dfn.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Could you explain what you mean by &quot;at each session I may enter 200 forms in this db&quot;? I'm a little confused as to what you are doing. You open a new, separate form 200 times and enter data? Then you want each new form to know what the name of whatever the last form opened was, and a date value of a textbox on whatever that last form opened was? <br>
This will require a bit more work...including taking my previous example and instead of dimming locDatePrev in the Form scope Module, do it as <br>
Global glbDatePrev as date In a Module (not a Form Module)--giving it global scope.<br>
Then, it's fairly easy to write code that opens the 200 forms in design view and pastes this code in the textbox, assuming you named it the same or named it in a way that your code can iterate it. <br>
But I'm still curious about these 200 forms and their use...<br>
--Jim Horton
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