After very sucsessful testing in a research lab we roled Exchange 2007 out to our production environment, and of course the initial install of the first Hub Transport Server crashed due to a known bug in the MS install media.
We had to re-install and it looked good, but alas, the default connector that is created to route e-mail between E2K3 and E2K7 is missing. Has anyone run into this and what did they do to resolve it? I did find one article explaining how to create additonal connectors via powershell but was hoping someone could point me at the orriginal script ran by the installer.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
We had to re-install and it looked good, but alas, the default connector that is created to route e-mail between E2K3 and E2K7 is missing. Has anyone run into this and what did they do to resolve it? I did find one article explaining how to create additonal connectors via powershell but was hoping someone could point me at the orriginal script ran by the installer.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.