What additional equipment if any is required to program the compact dect repeaters for repeater hops?
I can normally subscribe a dect repeater by using the power on / off and back on then key in the repeater number in the handset and away we go.
Assuming you have already programmed the main base station through its admin cf utility using the serial cable , the 9 way connects to your pc and the rj45 to the base dect unit and all the hansets are registerd, all you need is a registerd dect handset and follow the intruction which comes with a repeater.
Thank-you NuggiFirst, its the repeater programming cable & service tool (ive downloaded the service tool v4.12.0.2) I need but for some reason our supplier in the UK is playing dumb / numb when we ask for a repeater programming cable.
So I just wanted to find out if there was another way of programming the repeater's for hops without the cable
Thanks Nuggifirst, I managed to get the programming leads, what i didn't know until I used the Repeater programming tool onsite was that when you subscribe a Repeater it may subscribe itself to another repeater (hops), I thought that the repeaters only subscribed themselves back to the Compact dect main unit. (without the TOOL you dont know this)
Have you had any problems with the Dect 500 systems locking up and loosing power?
PSU's can be bad: If the PSU is a normal "heavy" adapter, it will over time be bad. Kirk has a replacement Switchmode PSU to solve this. Symptoms: Locked systems, poor sound.
Group ringing: The DECT-systems doesn't like group-ringing on many handsets. Some sort of buffer builds up, and the system is suddenly "slow", and ends up locking up.
Bad SW: Don't use SW-versions prior to 1N. Earlier versions have various problems.
Install the system with a on/off clock, that boots the system every night, and the system will work perfect! DON'T EVER do this with a dect 1500! It's only a Dect500 solution!!
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