We have a lot of problems with the dect license for mobile twinning, diplay of username, internal telefone book ect,we think the service is not very stabel.
Is there anybody that has the same experience or maybe a solution
With Firmware 1.3(37) you must use Dect This was a software patch from to make the service/task more stable. Do not use from the 1.4(22) or GA cd as this will give you now end of problems with 1.3(37) firmware
I understand exactly what you mean by unstable i have been at AVAYA about this for a long time now.
IF you are running 1.4(22)+ you MUST run version of the 1.4 GA cd.
Alot of the sites we have, because of the service/task being very unstable have chosen to schedule a restart of the service automatically AM and PM. This seems to have resolved any issues until AVAYA finally fix the ongoing issue in V2.(??)
Thanks for your reply, the software version we are running is 1.4 (25) with Dect this should be oke,lets hope for a strong version in V2, meanwhile we will try your tip
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