I have a data file containing over 100 years of high, low, and average temperature data which I want to read-in and assign to variables of ddt "temps."
type temps
integer :: dates, hi, lo, av
end type temps
So each date will have the three temperature values assigned to it for easy access. I need to store these data, however, and so I was going to create an array of length determined by first reading through the file and counting the lines. The problem is, I can't define an array of my derived type with a variable length...
length = 0
length = length + 1
1 rewind(99)
type(temps) :: array(length)
The error at the command line is:
type(temps), pointer :: array(length)
Error: Unexpected data declaration statement at (1)
In reading my downloaded manual "Fortran 95," Martin Counihan, I see that I may need to use a pointer, or an array pointer? This is where I get confused... Should the pointer be defined as type "temps" or the target or both? Also, is my methodology ideal for the task?
Thanks for any insight!
type temps
integer :: dates, hi, lo, av
end type temps
So each date will have the three temperature values assigned to it for easy access. I need to store these data, however, and so I was going to create an array of length determined by first reading through the file and counting the lines. The problem is, I can't define an array of my derived type with a variable length...
length = 0
length = length + 1
1 rewind(99)
type(temps) :: array(length)
The error at the command line is:
type(temps), pointer :: array(length)
Error: Unexpected data declaration statement at (1)
In reading my downloaded manual "Fortran 95," Martin Counihan, I see that I may need to use a pointer, or an array pointer? This is where I get confused... Should the pointer be defined as type "temps" or the target or both? Also, is my methodology ideal for the task?
Thanks for any insight!