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Deadly Slow Editing in Dreamweaver

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Dec 16, 2001
I've been working with DreamWeaver and notice that the longer a file becomes the slower editing becomes. On a file hits about 40K or so editing becomes slow. On one about 150K editing becomes almost impossible. Any ideas of what is happening? The pages involved are mostly filled with text.

Hardware: 1.1 Gig AMD Athlon, 256K Ram. Drives all defragged.

Now, just for a test, I loaded this page into FrontPage 2000. No problem! Editing is quick and acceptable. A 150k file should not choke a product; I could see a multimegabyte file doing this.

There is something odd about all this. Does this happen to any of you as well? The editor slows to a crawl on larger files? Because this is a problem with the product, not your hardware.

Also, it's a pain that you can't seem to jump to a link from within a page a la Frontpage 2000.

Thanks in advance for any info!


most of ours range from 18-40k, plus my include menus on each page is 15k of code, plus 21k of images to comprise my menus, and yes, ours take forever to open as well.

No, I don't mean opening. I mean editing while IN the document. I tried out a 150K DW 4.0 file on another computer just to make sure it wasn't something happening with this particular system. Trying to edit a file is impossible; there is a several second lag when you insert a character into a block of text.

This is a serious, serious bug if I'm not missing something. It makes the product basically unusuable in many cases.
I've only got the demo version - but yes ive noticed it really slow down my computer - which is normally quite zippy! ..

It is a great program and i want to buy it - but this is a serious flaw - and with so many dreamweaver solutions around there MUST be a fix for this ..

To be honest i never had the problem you're refering to...

I just received my Web Design Studio and (to my knowledge) it's faster then when i was using the demo.

When you edit your page switching from code to display will speed it up. If you don't, it won't update right away...

Hope i helped if not, i don't undertand your problem then
Have Fun...

Sharky99 >:):O>
Hello all!

I perfectly work with files over 300Kb (yes, sometimes such a big files have place :))

But I tried to work with DW UD 4.0 on AMD K6 II with only 64Mb RAM - it was tooooooooooooooooooo slow (no matter how big file was)... But when I upgraded just to 160Mb RAM it became fine! So the problem was in RAM size. Good Luck! :)
Well, I have 256K ram installed and editing is not possible in a 150K file, so I wonder what else is going on. And editing this file with Homesite 4.5, HotMetal 6.0, and FrontPage 2002,2000 goes just fine.

I have 512MB RAM and have a 32mb vid card ..

I am running WIN2000 - are you too Rick ? Maybe it's a prob with Win2000 compatability ..

I can't see the product having so many users to be able to let this happen - so I am sure there is a solution out there!

Hi Rick,

Just contacted Macromedia with this question as i wanted an answer before i purchased.

They said that there are conflicts with some GeForce cards - and that more often than not a driver update to your vid card will fix this. They suggested trying to change your graphics settings to a basic setting and then reboot and see if it still occurs.

Hope this helps,

++They said that there are conflicts with some GeForce cards - and that more often than not a driver update to your vid card will fix this. They suggested trying to change your graphics settings to a basic setting and then reboot and see if it still occurs.++

That means they don't work with the Nvidia chip set, the market leader! I actually have the latest driver set from their web site.

And I'm not sure what they mean by "setting your video" to a basic setting. I'm not going to work in 680*400 mode, nor set the system to 16 colors.

I'll look into this video issue further; this work I'm doing is for a review of the product.

Thanks for the heads up, but this story doesn't ring completely true.


I have Nvidia card + True color (32 Bit) + 1024x768 + 115 Hertz refresh frequency and my DW UD works perfectly!!!

Try to reinsatll it, it may help. Good Luck! :)
Been using DW3 and DW4 for last three years. Never had the problem you mention and have used DW on multiple computers (366 Celeron to 900mhz Athlon) with both Win 98 and Win2K. Most memory I have had on a system is 128meg.

Non of my friends have ever had this problem - I suspect it must be hardware specific, e.g., video card.

I have nvidia drivers etc and running XP without any probs at all. I have several files on my site bigger than 200k and can edit them without any probs

Have you tried changing the refresh rate of your monitor?

It's not the monitor. Also, I can reproduce this problem on another computer, an HP portable with 190K,8K video memory, and a different video chip set (Savage), so I don't see how this can be a video problem.

Also, please note this is DreamWeaver, not UD I'm having this problem with.
Asked some more questions and got another reply - are you using the demo ?

They said that the demo version or version 4.00 has this conflict, 4.01 the free update patch has this fixed - but unfortunately it can not be applied to the demo.

I am using the demo.

Just to bring everyone up-to-date on this DreamWeaver problem, I do believe this is an internal "problem" with the product.

I decided to create a new file with no graphics, button, etc and copied a text block from another page. Very simple, just a bit of HTML. I then copied the block. At about 600K file size the program's editing slowed. At 1.2 meg file size the file became basically uneditable. Of course, you wouldn't normally create such a large page, but I believe the more heavily formatted your page is, the sooner you will note the slowdown in editing. I am not using the demo, and used the DW updater to go to version 4.01 before running this test.

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