Hello all,
Existing DC server : Win2003 Enterprise
Proposed additional DC server : Win2003 R2 Standard
I have successfully prepared the existing Win2003 DC with the R2 Forestprep and Domainprep routines.
When I run the DCpromo, it fails when attempting to create the NTDS Settings object for the new domain controller on the existing remote domain controller.
The onscreen prompt finishes with the message 'The RPC Server is unavailable'
An excerpt from the dcpromo.log is :
03/12 08:28:29 [INFO] Creating the NTDS Settings object for this domain controller on the remote domain controller primary.PENDOM1.bsp.com…
03/12 08:29:11 [INFO] Error - Active Directory could not create the NTDS Settings object for this domain controller CN=NTDS Settings,CN=<NewDCServer>,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=<Domain>,DC=<Company>,DC=com on the remote domain controller <ExistingDC>.<Domain>.<Company>.com. Ensure the provided network credentials have sufficient permissions. (1722)
03/12 08:29:12 [INFO] NtdsInstall for <Domain>.<Company>.com returned 1722
03/12 08:29:12 [INFO] DsRolepInstallDs returned 1722
03/12 08:29:12 [ERROR] Failed to install to Directory Service (1722)
RPC service is running on both the existing DC and the new server.
DNS on the new server points to the existing DC.
Can anyone advise on how to resolve or troubleshoot this issue?
Existing DC server : Win2003 Enterprise
Proposed additional DC server : Win2003 R2 Standard
I have successfully prepared the existing Win2003 DC with the R2 Forestprep and Domainprep routines.
When I run the DCpromo, it fails when attempting to create the NTDS Settings object for the new domain controller on the existing remote domain controller.
The onscreen prompt finishes with the message 'The RPC Server is unavailable'
An excerpt from the dcpromo.log is :
03/12 08:28:29 [INFO] Creating the NTDS Settings object for this domain controller on the remote domain controller primary.PENDOM1.bsp.com…
03/12 08:29:11 [INFO] Error - Active Directory could not create the NTDS Settings object for this domain controller CN=NTDS Settings,CN=<NewDCServer>,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=<Domain>,DC=<Company>,DC=com on the remote domain controller <ExistingDC>.<Domain>.<Company>.com. Ensure the provided network credentials have sufficient permissions. (1722)
03/12 08:29:12 [INFO] NtdsInstall for <Domain>.<Company>.com returned 1722
03/12 08:29:12 [INFO] DsRolepInstallDs returned 1722
03/12 08:29:12 [ERROR] Failed to install to Directory Service (1722)
RPC service is running on both the existing DC and the new server.
DNS on the new server points to the existing DC.
Can anyone advise on how to resolve or troubleshoot this issue?