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DCOM access over internet 1

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May 11, 2000
I'm trying to setup a system which will consist of two .dlls<br>one will reside on a client and the other on the server.<br><br>The client one should&nbsp;&nbsp;instansiate the server component, using the CreateObject(class_id, server) function. They're both written in VB.<br><br>The problem I'm having is I want anyone who has the client dll to be able to create the server dll. How can I do this?<br><br>So far I've only been able to get this to work if the client is registered as a user on the server machine. Otherwise they lack the permission to create the object. I had intended to run the server side dll under MTS, but as long as I get it to work I don't much mind how it's running....<br><br><br>Any thoughts?<br><br>Steven Asqu<br><br>p.s I've tried setting the RunAs properties in the registry, but it didn't seem to help any, and I've tried turning off all the security checks in MTS etc.. etc.. (you'd never guess I was running out of ideas huh?)<br><br>
hi <br>what you could do is register your component ie your server sied dll under mts and use the export option to export it to the machine using your client dll<br><br>it will export a .pak(package) file<br>among the files exported there will be an exe.<br><br>doubleclicking on the exe will perform the necessary registration on your client machine.<br><br>i think this should work fine<br><br>
Hi!!<br><br>I have the same problem with DCOM and MTS! However when you use MTS it is possible to create the object on the server even though you are not logged in! I thought the problem was solved but no! Now the &quot;Access Denied&quot; error occurs when I try to access the Interface of the Object event though I have give &quot;EveryOne&quot; all rights! Pretty damn Shit!<br><br>I would really like to know if you solves the problem!
Hi.<br><br>Could anybody help me? My MTS server has only IP address, it has not friendlyname. I can ping it but when I try to call my DCOM app I got always the following message: RPC server is unavailable. I set the security setting good on both client and server, I think. <br><b>1. <font color=red>?????</font><br>2. Is it neccessary the friendly name for MTS server or the IP address is enough????<br>3. What can be the problem???</b><br><br>KIRI
Maybe you can use COM+ in which you can allow server components accessed through internet!

In delphi,i use TSocketConnection instead of TDCOMConnection to visit MTS components by IP address!

Regards! [sig][/sig]
Sure it is enough with the IP address! The name is just used as an Alias that is converted some where in a router or something to the IP address! I dont really know how it works but the IP is for sure enough! [sig][/sig]
Hi everyone.
I am sort of having the same dificulties.
I want to develop an application that has a front end presentation layer on the client machine, that call several functionality gathered as a com dll (or exe or both)...
Since this dll will be changing from time to time and new ones will be added I want a dinamic way of callying these
dll function in a smooth way, and transparent to the user.
I require a system where I do not necessary need to login in
but at the same time, a security functionality is a must (you figure it out). Since It is a system to be working over the internet, The server will be in fact an IP address and not I server name...
If you can help me to achieve this I will compensate financially....


Nicolaj, i have the same TDCOMConnection problem (with Windows NT)
Have you found a solution ?
i have a similar problem in that the structure is ->

uses --> customer.dll resides on client
uses eg. customer.getCode
dbConnectAndGet.dll resides on NT server
what is the best method of ensuring the server object ([tt]dbConnectAndGet[/tt]) can be called by any of the [tt]customer.dll[/tt]'s without having to have all DCOM settings set to everyone or having to create a user for each client on the server machine (NT)?

cheers for any help
Mark Saunders
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