I am doing an assignment in school that requires me to use DAO with and Acces Database. What i want to do is to display my search results into the DBGrid.
I have set up a temporary recordset and have used SQL to retrieve the data i am looking for.
SQL = "SELECT * FROM PersonalContacts WHERE" _
& " Name Like '" & result & "*'"
Set fSearchresultRS = fcontactsDB.OpenRecordset(SQL)
How would i go about taking the results of this and putting it on a DBGrid.
I have set up a temporary recordset and have used SQL to retrieve the data i am looking for.
SQL = "SELECT * FROM PersonalContacts WHERE" _
& " Name Like '" & result & "*'"
Set fSearchresultRS = fcontactsDB.OpenRecordset(SQL)
How would i go about taking the results of this and putting it on a DBGrid.