I am trying to insert a row to a database using a dbgrid. I have four lookup fields, each one relating to a different table. However when I access a lookup fields drop down menu and select an item I get the following error message:
Project name.exe raised exception EOleException with message 'An unknown error has occurred', Process stopped. Use step or run to continue.
This message appears everytime after enetering a value until data is present in each of the lookup fields. So if I try to insert a value in a lookup field and there is none present in the other 3, 3 error messages will appear after pressing F9 after each message.
Why do I get this message as the lookup fields are retrieving data from different tables?
Project name.exe raised exception EOleException with message 'An unknown error has occurred', Process stopped. Use step or run to continue.
This message appears everytime after enetering a value until data is present in each of the lookup fields. So if I try to insert a value in a lookup field and there is none present in the other 3, 3 error messages will appear after pressing F9 after each message.
Why do I get this message as the lookup fields are retrieving data from different tables?