can anybody please help me?
my DB2 suddenly can't start after I clean my computer(defragment,tidy directory,spyware,msconfig, etc..)
I'm sure I don't make any chance to important system directory.
I'm using Windows XP SP2 ,the IBM DB2 version is 8.1
The error message is
SQL6031N db2nodes.cfg files, line 0 error. error message "11",
maybe not so accurate, I translate it from chinese message.
the content of my db2nodes.cfg is
0 chnbpc0010 CHNBPC0010 0
I found this application crash when I restart my computer.
szAppName : db2jds.exe
szAppVer :
szModName : unknown
szModVer :
offset : 00000000
the content of db2diag.log
71e8 ffff q...
2005-04-09- Instance
B2 Node:000
PID:1812(db2.exe) TID:1740 Appid:none
oper system services sqloReadDb2nodes Probe:50
Unable to add TCP/IP port range from 60000 to 60003 to services file
2005-04-09- Instance
B2 Node:000
PID:956(db2bp.exe) TID:240 Appid:none
oper system services sqloReadDb2nodes Probe:50
Unable to add TCP/IP port range from 60000 to 60003 to services file
the content of my services file
DB2_DB2 60000/tcp
DB2_DB2_1 60001/tcp
DB2_DB2_2 60002/tcp
DB2_DB2_END 60003/tcp
db2c_DB2 50000/tcp
DB2_DB2CTLSV 60004/tcp
DB2_DB2CTLSV_1 60005/tcp
DB2_DB2CTLSV_2 60006/tcp
DB2_DB2CTLSV_END 60007/tcp
db2c_DB2CTLSV 50001/tcp
my DB2 suddenly can't start after I clean my computer(defragment,tidy directory,spyware,msconfig, etc..)
I'm sure I don't make any chance to important system directory.
I'm using Windows XP SP2 ,the IBM DB2 version is 8.1
The error message is
SQL6031N db2nodes.cfg files, line 0 error. error message "11",
maybe not so accurate, I translate it from chinese message.
the content of my db2nodes.cfg is
0 chnbpc0010 CHNBPC0010 0
I found this application crash when I restart my computer.
szAppName : db2jds.exe
szAppVer :
szModName : unknown
szModVer :
offset : 00000000
the content of db2diag.log
71e8 ffff q...
2005-04-09- Instance
PID:1812(db2.exe) TID:1740 Appid:none
oper system services sqloReadDb2nodes Probe:50
Unable to add TCP/IP port range from 60000 to 60003 to services file
2005-04-09- Instance
PID:956(db2bp.exe) TID:240 Appid:none
oper system services sqloReadDb2nodes Probe:50
Unable to add TCP/IP port range from 60000 to 60003 to services file
the content of my services file
DB2_DB2 60000/tcp
DB2_DB2_1 60001/tcp
DB2_DB2_2 60002/tcp
DB2_DB2_END 60003/tcp
db2c_DB2 50000/tcp
DB2_DB2CTLSV 60004/tcp
DB2_DB2CTLSV_1 60005/tcp
DB2_DB2CTLSV_2 60006/tcp
DB2_DB2CTLSV_END 60007/tcp
db2c_DB2CTLSV 50001/tcp