I have an app. that saves some info(Date, Time, Browser Type and IP address) to a text file everytime a banner is clicked.
My problem is that the Date and Time keep going back and forth between US and UK formats.
Any thoughts?
Here's the page that handles the clicks:
CountClick = Request("Id"
RedirectTo = Request("Url"
ClicksNow = Request("CCT"
CID = Request("5779"
NewClicksNow = ClicksNow + 1
If CountClick = "" OR RedirectTo = "" OR ClicksNow = "" OR CID = "" Then
Set MyConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
MyConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\..\xxx.mdb"
Set RS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"
SQL = vbNullString
SQL = SQL & "UPDATE Clients "
SQL = SQL & "SET ClicksNow="&NewClicksNow&" WHERE ID="&CountClick&""
Set MyConn = Nothing
strT = Time()
strT = replace(strT,",",""
strT = replace(strT,Chr(10),"",1,-1,0)
strT = replace(strT,Chr(13),"",1,-1,0)
strD = Date()
strD = replace(strD,",",""
strD = replace(strD,Chr(10),"",1,-1,0)
strD = replace(strD,Chr(13),"",1,-1,0)
strRA = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR"
strRA = replace(strRA,",",""
strRA = replace(strRA,Chr(10),"",1,-1,0)
strRA = replace(strRA,Chr(13),"",1,-1,0)
strUA = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"
strUA = replace(strUA,",",""
strUA = replace(strUA,Chr(10),"",1,-1,0)
strUA = replace(strUA,Chr(13),"",1,-1,0)
fname = server.mappath(CID + ".txt"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set objText = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fname, 8, true)
objText.Write(strT + "," + strD + "," + strRA + "," + strUA) & VBcrlf
Response.Redirect (RedirectTo)
End If
Thank you,
My problem is that the Date and Time keep going back and forth between US and UK formats.
Any thoughts?
Here's the page that handles the clicks:
CountClick = Request("Id"
RedirectTo = Request("Url"
ClicksNow = Request("CCT"
CID = Request("5779"
NewClicksNow = ClicksNow + 1
If CountClick = "" OR RedirectTo = "" OR ClicksNow = "" OR CID = "" Then
Set MyConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
MyConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\..\xxx.mdb"
Set RS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"
SQL = vbNullString
SQL = SQL & "UPDATE Clients "
SQL = SQL & "SET ClicksNow="&NewClicksNow&" WHERE ID="&CountClick&""
Set MyConn = Nothing
strT = Time()
strT = replace(strT,",",""
strT = replace(strT,Chr(10),"",1,-1,0)
strT = replace(strT,Chr(13),"",1,-1,0)
strD = Date()
strD = replace(strD,",",""
strD = replace(strD,Chr(10),"",1,-1,0)
strD = replace(strD,Chr(13),"",1,-1,0)
strRA = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR"
strRA = replace(strRA,",",""
strRA = replace(strRA,Chr(10),"",1,-1,0)
strRA = replace(strRA,Chr(13),"",1,-1,0)
strUA = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"
strUA = replace(strUA,",",""
strUA = replace(strUA,Chr(10),"",1,-1,0)
strUA = replace(strUA,Chr(13),"",1,-1,0)
fname = server.mappath(CID + ".txt"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set objText = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fname, 8, true)
objText.Write(strT + "," + strD + "," + strRA + "," + strUA) & VBcrlf
Response.Redirect (RedirectTo)
End If
Thank you,