Hi, we have set customers up on a delivery schedule, i.e., customer A gets a delivery every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Customer B gets a delivery on Tuesday and Thursday.
I am attempting to build a report to show orders placed since the last delivery day. The delivery days are currently in an Excel file which I create so the layout is flexible.
Currently I have 2 worksheets that I'm using. The first sheet contains roughly 250 customers and 10 route names. It looks something like this:
Cust Name[tab]Route Name
Customer A[tab]North Route
Customer B[tab]South Route
Customer C[tab]North Route
Customer D[tab]East Route
The second sheet contains the route names, the delivery day, and the corresponding previous delivery day like the following:
Route Name[tab]Delivery Day[tab]Previous Day
North Route [tab]Monday [tab][tab] Friday
North Route [tab]Wednesday[tab][tab]Monday
North Route [tab]Friday [tab][tab] Wednesday
South Route[tab]Tuesday [tab][tab] Thursday
South Route[tab]Thursday [tab][tab] Tuesday
I am stuck figuring out how to get a weekday name converted to a date. For example, my Excel spreadsheet says that the last delivery day for the customer was Tuesday and Today is Thursday, how can I get Crystal to calculate the date for Tuesday? I know that I could use a DateDiff formula but there are too many combinations of delivery days to hardcode. By the way, I am using Crystal 11. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I am attempting to build a report to show orders placed since the last delivery day. The delivery days are currently in an Excel file which I create so the layout is flexible.
Currently I have 2 worksheets that I'm using. The first sheet contains roughly 250 customers and 10 route names. It looks something like this:
Cust Name[tab]Route Name
Customer A[tab]North Route
Customer B[tab]South Route
Customer C[tab]North Route
Customer D[tab]East Route
The second sheet contains the route names, the delivery day, and the corresponding previous delivery day like the following:
Route Name[tab]Delivery Day[tab]Previous Day
North Route [tab]Monday [tab][tab] Friday
North Route [tab]Wednesday[tab][tab]Monday
North Route [tab]Friday [tab][tab] Wednesday
South Route[tab]Tuesday [tab][tab] Thursday
South Route[tab]Thursday [tab][tab] Tuesday
I am stuck figuring out how to get a weekday name converted to a date. For example, my Excel spreadsheet says that the last delivery day for the customer was Tuesday and Today is Thursday, how can I get Crystal to calculate the date for Tuesday? I know that I could use a DateDiff formula but there are too many combinations of delivery days to hardcode. By the way, I am using Crystal 11. Any help will be greatly appreciated.