Who knows the best way to (or a link)...
table clients (form) client calc date range : beginclientdate - endclientdate
table contracts (subform clients) clientcontracts with
table index (subform contracts) yearly index date range : beginindexdate - endindexdate
table items (subform clients) items date range : beginitemdate - enditemdate
So, clients buy Items that will be (inshured) calculated with the yearly changing tax(Index) linked with a contract for the clientperiod begin date until client end date.
I made already a (client)form with beginclientdate and endclientdate
a (clientcontract)subform with contracts and a one to many index relation to contracts.
a (clientitem) subform with bouth items and date range
Unbound fields 'with the calcuted sum of items (restricted by the clientrangedate) * changing index (changing pro yearlyindexdaterange)
1 month = 30 days
table clients (form) client calc date range : beginclientdate - endclientdate
table contracts (subform clients) clientcontracts with
table index (subform contracts) yearly index date range : beginindexdate - endindexdate
table items (subform clients) items date range : beginitemdate - enditemdate
So, clients buy Items that will be (inshured) calculated with the yearly changing tax(Index) linked with a contract for the clientperiod begin date until client end date.
I made already a (client)form with beginclientdate and endclientdate
a (clientcontract)subform with contracts and a one to many index relation to contracts.
a (clientitem) subform with bouth items and date range
Unbound fields 'with the calcuted sum of items (restricted by the clientrangedate) * changing index (changing pro yearlyindexdaterange)
1 month = 30 days