I made several reports in .NET (to use in my ASP.NET application). In a few reports I am using long dateformats (to print for instance the birth date,...). All of my reports were developped in a dutch environment. The production environment is english, so in my reports, dates are now printed in english while I want them in dutch.
Is there a possibility to change this, in general on the server (reports are always made on serverside)? Or have I no other solution than check for each month and manually built my long formatted date,
Tom Lefever
I made several reports in .NET (to use in my ASP.NET application). In a few reports I am using long dateformats (to print for instance the birth date,...). All of my reports were developped in a dutch environment. The production environment is english, so in my reports, dates are now printed in english while I want them in dutch.
Is there a possibility to change this, in general on the server (reports are always made on serverside)? Or have I no other solution than check for each month and manually built my long formatted date,
select case month(date)
case 1
formula = "Januari" (dutch month-name)
Tom Lefever