In a query I have a date column "Time Out Door"... I need to sort in the report from 7:30 AM to 7:30 AM (spans across 2 days, but we consider it one day of 3 shifts). The following will sort from 7AM to 7AM, but I do not know how to change the format to 7:30. I have tried 7.5 and 7:30 and "m", -450 (7.5*60 minutes)... none worked!
DateAdd("h",-7,IIf(DatePart("d",DateAdd("h",-7,[Time out Door]))=29,DateAdd("d",1,[Time out Door]),[Time out Door]))
Thank you!
DateAdd("h",-7,IIf(DatePart("d",DateAdd("h",-7,[Time out Door]))=29,DateAdd("d",1,[Time out Door]),[Time out Door]))
Thank you!