I am using Crystal version 9
Access Database connection
I am trying to calculate the length of stay of patients in an ICU unit for a specific fiscal, and month
I am clear regarding the straight formula
{@ICU dis date time}-{@ICU admit date time} this will give me the length of stay.
Now I want to find out how may patients "days" (Length of Stay days) fall within a specific fiscal or a specific month..a patient could be admitted into the ICU on April 1, 2005 but not discharged until June 15th..all I want to get is the days in June for a Month of June report. Same situation if I am looking for a fiscal...they might be admitted before the fiscal started but all I am interested in is the days for that fiscal they were in the Icu...also this holds true for the discharge piece..they may be discharged in a different month or fiscal but I need to calculate just the days
Any help appreciated
Access Database connection
I am trying to calculate the length of stay of patients in an ICU unit for a specific fiscal, and month
I am clear regarding the straight formula
{@ICU dis date time}-{@ICU admit date time} this will give me the length of stay.
Now I want to find out how may patients "days" (Length of Stay days) fall within a specific fiscal or a specific month..a patient could be admitted into the ICU on April 1, 2005 but not discharged until June 15th..all I want to get is the days in June for a Month of June report. Same situation if I am looking for a fiscal...they might be admitted before the fiscal started but all I am interested in is the days for that fiscal they were in the Icu...also this holds true for the discharge piece..they may be discharged in a different month or fiscal but I need to calculate just the days
Any help appreciated