Why does this not work? I have a form the has two option/radio buttons, one Yes(optYes) and one No(optNo), in the same frame (fraDate). If No is selected I would like all values returned. If Yes is selected I would like to use the Between statement to input parameters. Here is what I have that is not working.
IIf([Forms]![frmAdvQry]![FraDate]![optNo]=2,[tblNotebook_Sub]![Date],Between [Start Date] And [End Date])
I set the data index value for No to 2, and Yes to 1.
IIf([Forms]![frmAdvQry]![FraDate]![optNo]=2,[tblNotebook_Sub]![Date],Between [Start Date] And [End Date])
I set the data index value for No to 2, and Yes to 1.