I have a few reports that need to run by a user selected date range. To do this I am simply using the following formula in Select Expert:
{Discipline_Log.IncidentDate} in {?Startdate} to {?Enddate}
This works fine unless the end user enters the same start and end date to show records for only one day,in which case no records are returned.
I have tried to use:
{Discipline_Log.IncidentDate} >= {?Startdate} and <= {?Enddate} but this returns an error that a number,currency amount,boolean,date,time or string is expected here.
I am using CR 9 in a ASP application.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
RealTime Information Technology Inc.
{Discipline_Log.IncidentDate} in {?Startdate} to {?Enddate}
This works fine unless the end user enters the same start and end date to show records for only one day,in which case no records are returned.
I have tried to use:
{Discipline_Log.IncidentDate} >= {?Startdate} and <= {?Enddate} but this returns an error that a number,currency amount,boolean,date,time or string is expected here.
I am using CR 9 in a ASP application.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
RealTime Information Technology Inc.