I am continually impressed by the support given on this site..
My question is that I have a date range in a SI Vs 7.0 qry which does not bring date values for the actual date as below. i.e If you specified todays date..then no data would appear however if you specified tomorrows date then Hey Presto...
and central_enquiry.log_effective_date between to_date('{?FromDate}','dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('{?ToDate}','dd/mm/yyyy')
I assume I need syntax similar to ">= and <=" but am a bit lost..
I am continually impressed by the support given on this site..
My question is that I have a date range in a SI Vs 7.0 qry which does not bring date values for the actual date as below. i.e If you specified todays date..then no data would appear however if you specified tomorrows date then Hey Presto...
and central_enquiry.log_effective_date between to_date('{?FromDate}','dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('{?ToDate}','dd/mm/yyyy')
I assume I need syntax similar to ">= and <=" but am a bit lost..