Crystal 11
Disclosure: rookie with dates.
I have a sales force who visits customers. I want to query the customer activity 6-months prior to the month they visited, and then six months after the month they visited.
My prior to visit formula appears to be working.
If {Invoice_Detail.INVDTE_32} in dateserial(year({@last visit date}), month({@last visit date})-7,1) to
dateserial(year({@last visit date}), month({@last visit date})-1,1)-1
then {@Ext. Price}
However, my post visit formula is not.
if {Invoice_Detail.INVDTE_32} in dateserial(year({@last visit date}), month({@last visit date})+7,1) to
dateserial(year({@last visit date}), month({@last visit date})+1,1)-1
then {@Ext. Price}
Thanks in advance for your help. Also, can anyone point me to a good resource for understanding dates, their ranges, and the manipulation thereof.
Disclosure: rookie with dates.
I have a sales force who visits customers. I want to query the customer activity 6-months prior to the month they visited, and then six months after the month they visited.
My prior to visit formula appears to be working.
If {Invoice_Detail.INVDTE_32} in dateserial(year({@last visit date}), month({@last visit date})-7,1) to
dateserial(year({@last visit date}), month({@last visit date})-1,1)-1
then {@Ext. Price}
However, my post visit formula is not.
if {Invoice_Detail.INVDTE_32} in dateserial(year({@last visit date}), month({@last visit date})+7,1) to
dateserial(year({@last visit date}), month({@last visit date})+1,1)-1
then {@Ext. Price}
Thanks in advance for your help. Also, can anyone point me to a good resource for understanding dates, their ranges, and the manipulation thereof.