I am writing a UFL that figures lag time between a customer contact and response by tech support, pulling out non-working days.
One of my functions
Boolean: IsBusinessDay(Date)
takes a date as a parameter. As a test I am passing it CDate('01/01/2004') which is showing up in Delphi as 2453005 and translates to a date sometime in the year 8214.
How are dates passed to a UFL (it appears to be a long integer) and how does it translate to a date? My understanding was that it was the number of days after 12/31/1899, but that does not appear to be the case. Thanks in advance.
P.S. I have written UFLs with string parameters to good effect so I assume my basic technique is OK...time to branch out.
One of my functions
Boolean: IsBusinessDay(Date)
takes a date as a parameter. As a test I am passing it CDate('01/01/2004') which is showing up in Delphi as 2453005 and translates to a date sometime in the year 8214.
How are dates passed to a UFL (it appears to be a long integer) and how does it translate to a date? My understanding was that it was the number of days after 12/31/1899, but that does not appear to be the case. Thanks in advance.
P.S. I have written UFLs with string parameters to good effect so I assume my basic technique is OK...time to branch out.