I need a to do a date difference that goes something like this but I don't know how to get the prior detail row information:
if {APUR.ApprovalSeq}=Minimum ({APUR.ApprovalSeq}) then
dateDiff("d", {APUR.DateAssigned},{APUR.DateApproved})
else if {APUR.ApprovalSeq}<>Minimum ({APUR.ApprovalSeq})
then dateDiff("d", {APUR.DateAssigned},Prior({APUR.DateApproved})) <<this is where I get stuck. Is there a way to use the prior DateApproved from the prior detail line?
if {APUR.ApprovalSeq}=Minimum ({APUR.ApprovalSeq}) then
dateDiff("d", {APUR.DateAssigned},{APUR.DateApproved})
else if {APUR.ApprovalSeq}<>Minimum ({APUR.ApprovalSeq})
then dateDiff("d", {APUR.DateAssigned},Prior({APUR.DateApproved})) <<this is where I get stuck. Is there a way to use the prior DateApproved from the prior detail line?