Crystal XI
I need to calculate hours past midnight on Friday. Normally I just do a DateDiff formula. My question is, do you know of a way to 'hard-code' midnight into a formula?
Usually I would do something like this...
if dayofweek ({Dispatch.ACTUALFINISH}) > 5 and {Dispatch.Consignee_ID} = '40C1'
then datediff ('s', {@NullTripStart}, {Dispatch.ACTUALFINISH})/3600
I need to replace the "{@NullTripStart}" with something that would start the clock at midnight on Friday's.
I need to calculate hours past midnight on Friday. Normally I just do a DateDiff formula. My question is, do you know of a way to 'hard-code' midnight into a formula?
Usually I would do something like this...
if dayofweek ({Dispatch.ACTUALFINISH}) > 5 and {Dispatch.Consignee_ID} = '40C1'
then datediff ('s', {@NullTripStart}, {Dispatch.ACTUALFINISH})/3600
I need to replace the "{@NullTripStart}" with something that would start the clock at midnight on Friday's.