How do I create a field in teh table that will automatically insert the time the record was made, and how do I create a field that automtaically updates when the record was modified?
Field name = DateCreated DateTime
Default Value = Now()
That's all for that one. It will work whether data is entered through a form or directly into the table.
Last modified will only work if data is entered via a form.
On the table you need:
Field name = DateModified DateTime
In the Form BeforeUpdate event procedure :
me.DateModified = Now()
In table design view for the table, define a field (DateCreated for example) with type Date and set its default value to "= Now()". That will place a the current datetime on each new record at the time it is created.
For the update of a record, you will need to explicitly set a "DateUpdated" field's value every time you do an update.
In SQL that would be
UPDATE tbl SET DateUpdated = Now(), ...
In Code
Dim rs As Recordset
' Open the recordset
rs![DateUpdated] = Now()
... Other Code ...
If you are updating via bound controls then you will need to trap the "BeforeUpdate" event and set the value there.
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