I have a tab control with 2 tabs: (1) Solved and (2) Routed. In each tab there are two text box (1) Solved by or Routed to and (2) Date Solved/ Date Routed. the default value is set to =Now(). But i want the date to be the date and time the solved by or routed to fields have be entered.
I would appreicate all your help, thanks
I have a tab control with 2 tabs: (1) Solved and (2) Routed. In each tab there are two text box (1) Solved by or Routed to and (2) Date Solved/ Date Routed. the default value is set to =Now(). But i want the date to be the date and time the solved by or routed to fields have be entered.
I would appreicate all your help, thanks