Okay, another installment of VFP7 questions... This time, the topic is databases. I understand the concept of the "Database", vs. "Tables", and how the DBC works. However, I have a few loose ends that I'm not clear on, and would like some advice on how to best handle these situatoins.
I have an application that I convereted from 2.6 to 7, but I want to take things to the next phase. This includes beginning to "Remove" the 2.6 nature of the app, and turn it into a true "OOP" product. In the process of that, I want to convert my existing tables, (which are all currently Free Table, and not even "In" my project), to Databases. The things that are not entirely clear to me are, how to decide what tables belong in the DBC. Also, for my application, should I have more than one DBC that is specific to the "Type" of data, as it is related to itself. (For instance, all employee information, such as the Employee table, Address Table, Jobs Table, and Supervisors Table, seem to logically "Stick" together. So, I thought I would create a "Employee" DBC. Then, I have Inventory, Bill Of Materials, Bundles, which seem "Inventory" related, so make an Inventory.DBC. Then I have Customers, Addresses (seperate, for Customers), Invoices, Payments, which I would put in the Customer.DBC. Does this philosophy make sense, or, should they all be put into a single "Application".DBC?
Second question is around "Code" tables. I have a number of standard "Lookup", or "Code" tables for things like, AdressType, City/State/Zip, Job Codes. Should they also be contained in the "DBC" for their respective type, or should they remain as "Free Tables"?
Can someone shed some light on this philosophy for me? I have a firm grasp of relational tables, and have done a lot of work to ensure referential, key, and data integrity in 2.6, that seems to be much easier to do at the "DBC" level. How should I approach this in my migrated application?
I've read a number of things on the subject, but they don't really seem to give me clear deliniations of when I would decide to do these things, or the rational behind the decision making.
For any help, many thanks,
I have an application that I convereted from 2.6 to 7, but I want to take things to the next phase. This includes beginning to "Remove" the 2.6 nature of the app, and turn it into a true "OOP" product. In the process of that, I want to convert my existing tables, (which are all currently Free Table, and not even "In" my project), to Databases. The things that are not entirely clear to me are, how to decide what tables belong in the DBC. Also, for my application, should I have more than one DBC that is specific to the "Type" of data, as it is related to itself. (For instance, all employee information, such as the Employee table, Address Table, Jobs Table, and Supervisors Table, seem to logically "Stick" together. So, I thought I would create a "Employee" DBC. Then, I have Inventory, Bill Of Materials, Bundles, which seem "Inventory" related, so make an Inventory.DBC. Then I have Customers, Addresses (seperate, for Customers), Invoices, Payments, which I would put in the Customer.DBC. Does this philosophy make sense, or, should they all be put into a single "Application".DBC?
Second question is around "Code" tables. I have a number of standard "Lookup", or "Code" tables for things like, AdressType, City/State/Zip, Job Codes. Should they also be contained in the "DBC" for their respective type, or should they remain as "Free Tables"?
Can someone shed some light on this philosophy for me? I have a firm grasp of relational tables, and have done a lot of work to ensure referential, key, and data integrity in 2.6, that seems to be much easier to do at the "DBC" level. How should I approach this in my migrated application?
I've read a number of things on the subject, but they don't really seem to give me clear deliniations of when I would decide to do these things, or the rational behind the decision making.
For any help, many thanks,