The code below causes a compile problem on two out of 5 pc's we have running access2000.
Private Sub opencusfile()
Dim objdb As Database
Dim objrs As Recordset
Set objdb = CurrentDb()
Set objrs = objdb.OpenRecordset("select * from customers", dbOpenDynaset)
Do While Not objrs.EOF
Debug.Print objrs.Fields("customerid"
End Sub
The message is "User defined type not defined"
This is because when I look at the object browser there is no 'database' object.
On the machines that work the 'database' object exists.
There would seem to be a problem with the installation of access2000 so we tried a removal and complete re-install. This didn't change anything.
We tried starting a completely new database but this didn't work either.
We checked that the Jet engine version was 4 and it is.
Any ideas?
The code below causes a compile problem on two out of 5 pc's we have running access2000.
Private Sub opencusfile()
Dim objdb As Database
Dim objrs As Recordset
Set objdb = CurrentDb()
Set objrs = objdb.OpenRecordset("select * from customers", dbOpenDynaset)
Do While Not objrs.EOF
Debug.Print objrs.Fields("customerid"
End Sub
The message is "User defined type not defined"
This is because when I look at the object browser there is no 'database' object.
On the machines that work the 'database' object exists.
There would seem to be a problem with the installation of access2000 so we tried a removal and complete re-install. This didn't change anything.
We tried starting a completely new database but this didn't work either.
We checked that the Jet engine version was 4 and it is.
Any ideas?