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Database library & New Versions 1

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Feb 7, 2003
I am wanting to get more information on how to create & utilize the database library idea so I can share between the several databases I've created. I also want clarification on how the new version check quits the current database, makes a copy, and starts the new version.
WRT new versions:

I use a bat file to copy a new front end to a users pc - it is also clever enough to re-open the database once copied (if u notice it doesn't matter where access is installed on the users pc)
note strVersion is a Public constant in each front-end and tblversionmaster is a common current version table.

Launch code:

Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblVersionMaster")
If strVersion < rs!Version Then
If MsgBox(&quot;New Version...@A new version of BackOffice is available.@To update BackOffice will need to restart.&quot; & vbCrLf & &quot;Are you ready to exit Back Office NOW?&quot;, vbYesNo + vbInformation) = vbYes Then
Call shell(&quot;w:\update.bat &quot;&quot;&quot; & SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & &quot;msaccess.exe&quot;&quot;&quot;)
End If
End If

Set rs = Nothing

Batch code:

@echo off
Echo Waitng for BackOffice to close...
if exist C:\backoffice\backoffice.ldb goto lbl

Echo Begining Update...
IF EXIST &quot;W:\newbackoffice.mde&quot; copy &quot;W:\newbackoffice.mde&quot; &quot;c:\BackOffice\BackOffice.mdb&quot;

If not %1'==' if exist %1 start %1 c:\Backoffice\BackOffice.mdb

echo Finished.
Hi laakins. I wonder why you didn't reference the thread that prompted you to start this one? It was very interesting reading. thread181-468123

Hopefully, GDGarth & FancyPrairie will join us here and share more of their knowledge on the subject of libraries. Ann
I started this new thread hoping like you that I could get FancyPrairie to answer a few questions regarding the posting on the other thread. I too am hoping they will share & help.
I don't know if this FAQ will help. It helped me on my question regarding how to have a database check & see if there is a new version. If so, replace it with the new version & open up the new version. The FAQ is faq705-2010. I still have questions about the &quot;library database&quot; idea. I will be responding to one of FancyPrairie's posts & will ask that they help us out.
laakins, I posted a few specific questions re library references at thread705-481553 in the VBA Coding forum thinking that maybe we were being too open-ended with our plea for help.
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