We have an events database on Approach currently 85MB with circa 22,000 records and growing rapidly every month.
Our admin function is soon to become a twin site operation, using a VPN based WAN, therefore our customer communications logging (currently a manual process outside of Approach) needs to be incorporated into Approach and "linked" on an event specific basis.
The only way I can think of doing this is to create a load of additional fields in the main events DB (say ten sets of date/time/who/text fields for logging customer communications) however this CANNOT be the most efficient way to achieve our goal. Taking this route would make the file size ridiculously large, limit communications logging to the amount of fields created and have loads of wasted space on old records.
Any guidance would be appreciated, if I am to create a new DB for communications logging, it could be linked be the unique reference number field on the events database, but how do I set it to create records when required (i.e. to log a customer call)?
Our admin function is soon to become a twin site operation, using a VPN based WAN, therefore our customer communications logging (currently a manual process outside of Approach) needs to be incorporated into Approach and "linked" on an event specific basis.
The only way I can think of doing this is to create a load of additional fields in the main events DB (say ten sets of date/time/who/text fields for logging customer communications) however this CANNOT be the most efficient way to achieve our goal. Taking this route would make the file size ridiculously large, limit communications logging to the amount of fields created and have loads of wasted space on old records.
Any guidance would be appreciated, if I am to create a new DB for communications logging, it could be linked be the unique reference number field on the events database, but how do I set it to create records when required (i.e. to log a customer call)?