An Access DB that hasn't changed (other than the actual data) complained on open that it could not access 'h:'
Searching the VB found no reference to 'h:'
The macro we were trying to run does a bunch of Transfer_Spreadsheet but all of the spreadsheets
are in the same directory as the DB, and all of
them are referenced UNC ( i.e., \\Svr0903\vol1\.... )
None of the tables are linked tables.
Wes Groleau
Searching the VB found no reference to 'h:'
The macro we were trying to run does a bunch of Transfer_Spreadsheet but all of the spreadsheets
are in the same directory as the DB, and all of
them are referenced UNC ( i.e., \\Svr0903\vol1\.... )
None of the tables are linked tables.
Wes Groleau