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Database connection to SQL Database

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Jun 26, 2001
Hey Everyone,
Need help with this database connection in ASP. I am getting the following error on the line that is in bold below: An exception of type 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'calendarinfotable'.'was not handled.

My SQL database table's name is calendarinfotable and my recorded is not being added. I can successfully run the SQL Statement in SQL and I can see from writing it to the screen that all the variables are being passed correctly from my form.

This is the first time that I have connected to a database this way so I am probably doing something wrong there. Can someone please help?

Thanks tmishue

internala = Request.Form(&quot;internalh&quot;)
froma = Request.Form(&quot;fromh&quot;)
categorya = Request.Form(&quot;categoryh&quot;)
locationa = Request.Form(&quot;locationh&quot;)
rooma = Request.Form(&quot;roomh&quot;)'
subjecta = Request.Form(&quot;subjecth&quot;)
personala = Request.Form(&quot;personalh&quot;)
toemaila = Request.Form(&quot;toemailh&quot;)
startdatea = Request.Form(&quot;startdateh&quot;)
starttimea = Request.Form(&quot;starttimeh&quot;)
enddatea = Request.Form(&quot;enddateh&quot;)
endtimea = Request.Form(&quot;endtimeh&quot;)

Set CCSCal=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
CCSCal.Open &quot;DSN=CCSCalendarSQL&quot;

sqlStatement = &quot;INSERT INTO calendarinfotable(DepartmentSchool, Category, Subject, Room, Location, StartDate, StartTime, EndDate, EndTime, Intranet, Toemail, Personal) VALUES ('&quot;& cstr(froma) & &quot;','&quot;& cstr(categorya) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(subjecta) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(rooma) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(locationa) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(startdatea) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(starttimea) &&quot;', '&quot;& enddatea &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(endtimea) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(internala) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(toemaila) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(personala) &&quot;')&quot;
Set recordSet=CCSCal.Execute(sqlStatement)
Set CCSCal=Nothing
Response.Write(&quot;Appointment Added!&quot;)
You can't set a recordset in that way. The reason is that your query will return nothing, so the recordset will have nothing.

Instead, since you are just doing an insert, use:

without the Set recordset.

Other than that, assuming that your sql statement is correct, there should be no other problems. If there are, post back...


oh yeah -
you can use conn.execute to open a recordset, in order to do it you would need to use a &quot;SELECT .... FROM ...&quot; query... that will work.
Still get the same error when running debug and my record is still not added.

Here's what I did changing the bolded line as you suggested:
Set CCSCal=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
CCSCal.Open &quot;DSN=CCSCalendarSQL&quot;

sqlStatement = &quot;INSERT INTO calendarinfotable(DepartmentSchool, Category, Subject, Room, Location, StartDate, StartTime, EndDate, EndTime, Intranet, Toemail, Personal) VALUES ('&quot;& cstr(froma) & &quot;','&quot;& cstr(categorya) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(subjecta) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(rooma) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(locationa) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(startdatea) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(starttimea) &&quot;', '&quot;& enddatea &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(endtimea) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(internala) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(toemaila) &&quot;', '&quot;& cstr(personala) &&quot;')&quot;

Set CCSCal=Nothing
My SQL Statement works in SQL Query Analyzer. I copied the statement written out to the screen and pasted it in the Query Analyzer and ran it and the record was added so my statement works, I don't know what I'm doing wrong in the connection though.

Thanks for the prompt response and help.

does your DSN work in other pages? If not, it might be a problem with your DSN. Check it to make sure that it's pointing towards the right DB and what not.

hth ---------
Leo Mendoza
I know this is trivial, but when i copied your code into notepad, i noticed that there is no space between calendarinfotable(DepartmentSchool this, as far as I know, is wrong. it should be
calendarinfotable (DepartmentSchool

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