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Data type mismatch help

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Nov 1, 2000
I have a list box with a bound colum that when you click sets a value in a textbox.... The info set correct but then when I go to use the value it generates a Data Type Mismatch.

The field I am trying to set it to is a interger value and in the debugger shows the value as being "487" and the value to replace it as "486 ". I tried a trim on it but that doesnt do anything.
In all honesty if you look back at all my forums (the 190 with only 8 votes) They start as something different then the solution is found and a new topic begins. I feel and thought that was the way things were supposed to go in here, new forum for new topic. Out of the 190 there is not a single one that is a duplicate.

I think you misunderstand the concept of this forum. It's a bit like someone asking "How do I develop a complete VFP application?" And we are suppose to post the whole code for the application so he can achieve his whole application based on what we say. It's tedious and some of the work has to come from him . We enjoy answering specific questions, but there is a limit. For example in this thread you are making 4 comments in a row, without waiting for a response, so when it comes time to respond to your first comment, you have obviously either solved the issue and moved on.

lashwarj (IS/IT--Manageme) Sep 11, 2002
Ok this looks great but I have no clue what your doing, I havent tried it in my code yet. Here is what I am looking at on my end

Thisform.bldg_id.value = Thisform.location_info.Value

simple as that, I need to get the Thisform.bldg_id.Value to change the format...I mean is it as easy as this

x = Thisform.bldg_id.value
y = VALU(X)
y = INT(VALU(X))

lashwarj (IS/IT--Manageme) Sep 11, 2002
And where would i place that, would it be right after the command button statement that sets the value

EX in my code would i put that right after the
Thisform.bldg_id.Value = Thisform.location_info.value

lashwarj (IS/IT--Manageme) Sep 11, 2002
After trying it in my code it gives me a valu.prg not found, so it is looking for a program file where you are delcaring the y value

lashwarj (IS/IT--Manageme) Sep 11, 2002
and then how do I refrence the converted value, would i still refrence it as
Thisform.bldg_id.value = Thisform.location_info.value

or would it be
Thisform.bldg.value = x

I dont know how you are doing it so I am sorry but I need details

Mike Gagnon
I understand where your coming from Mike but I re-assure you this is maybe .5% of my program and is the only part I have requested help with. I am sorry for not posting more help responses or posting thank yous. How do I get notified on new forums so I may participate in them instead of asking 24/7. The examples you posted are in regards to the code provided to me from other users which I did not understand the functionality of....
????????????????????????????????? New topic, why does my post have jester4281 name on it

All I was trying to impress upon you is that you are not going to get the best out of this forum with your current approach.

Purple stars should not be important to anyone here - the occasional word of thanks is reward enough.

You are right in saying clearly new questions require new threads - equally multiple unrelated questions in one thread are also liable to being red flagged.

We are all human beings and we vote with our feet - if I feel I am wasting my time in posting in a thread started by a.n.other for whatever reason, then I don't, and there will be others who feel the same way.

If a member/visitor alienates people by the way they conduct themselves in the forum, then their posts are going to be ignored by the very people from whom they need help. HTH

Chris [pc2]
I understand Chris, I just thought that new topics ment new forums and I posted my progress not as a waste of forum space but as a notification of the progress I made and the new events that came of it. Sorry for the waste of time and forum space....I get a little frustrated with Foxpro, and i get somewhat antsy in awaiting a response. Sorry to all and def. Thank you to all.
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