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Data Report Problem

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Aug 18, 2002
I was able to get that howto thing microsoft posted but I don't understand it.

This is what I'm doing. I created a data report and added a group. Then, on a form, I have a command button that shows that form. My code works well if I remove the group from the data report but if I dont I get an error message that says something about the data structure doesn't match.

Here is my code. Hope you can help me.

Private Sub cmdProdHist_Click()
Dim ProdChosen As String

ProdChosen = InputBox("Enter Product:", "Product")

Call Open_Connection

rsSales.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsSales.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rsSales.LockType = adLockPessimistic

rsSales.Open "SELECT Date, [sales invoice number], [product name], Quantity " _
& "FROM SALES WHERE [product name] like '" & ProdChosen & "%' group by [sales invoice number], [product name], date, quantity", cn

With rptProdHist
Set .DataSource = rsSales
.DataMember = ""

With .Sections("Section1").Controls
.Item("txtDate").DataMember = ""
.Item("txtDate").DataField = rsSales.Fields(0).Name
.Item("txtInvNum").DataMember = ""
.Item("txtInvNum").DataField = rsSales.Fields(1).Name
.Item("txtQty").DataMember = ""
.Item("txtQty").DataField = rsSales.Fields(3).Name
.Item("txtloose").DataMember = ""
.Item("txtloose").DataField = rsSales.Fields(2).Name

End With

'With .Sections("section4").Controls
' .Item("Lblprod").Caption = rsSales.Fields(2).Value
'End With

'With .Sections("section7").Controls

' .Item("label9").Caption = "txtQty"

'End With

.Orientation = rptOrientPortrait
.WindowState = 2

End With

End Sub
I notice one of your fieldnames is "Date", which is a reserved word. I've had trouble in the past where I've used reserved words as fieldnames or table names. Try using a different name...

Hope this helps,
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Part and Inventory Search

