Use reg query against the registry key holding virus def. Throw it into a for loop. You can further refine the output but this is just a down and dirty example...normal disclaimer Use at own risk
just a quick example **barely tested**!
:ut all machines in text file one on each line called c:\machines.txt
for /f %%a in (c:\machines.txt) do (call :step1 %%a)
goto :eof
set machine=%1
if "%machine%"=="" goto eof
echo ----------------------------- >> c:\log.txt
echo %machine% >> c:\log.txt
reg query "\\%machine%\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Associates\TVD\VirusScan Enterprise\CurrentVersion" /v szVirDefVer >> c:\log.txt
goto eof
We are using GFI Languard and I am unable to get it to show me what systems are at a lower DAT level than they should be. Is there a way to modify this script so I can send it out with LANguard and it will put the registry value for DAT level as well as the machine name? I don't have a way of getting a list of all machine names that I am sure is up to date. Thanks for your help.
It's been a long time since I played with Languard. It would take some time for me to read up on it again. I can't promise anything but if I get the time I can look. Won't be for the next couple days or so.
This is to Windexx, I am trying your script and it is crashing at /f with the Windows script host error Expected identifier, code 800A03F2.
I don't use visual basic that much so any help would be greatly appreciated.
In the past I created a batch file that went out and did a directory on the DAT file of each machine, the batch file created a TXT file with the date of the dat file. Using Windows search I was able to break them down by version number.
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