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D channel error Pri 208 dch 2 data 00000004

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Nov 18, 2007
Trying to figure this one out. Voip h323 trunking NRS. When ever a LD call is placed from the remote site it tandems thru another switch for the LD and generates the above error. The call appears to not be affected and does completed. I know its a d-channel complaint but the rcaps are matched correct and everything is dep'd. Its more a nag than anything. The host site Sw level is 3.0 and the remote is 4.5. Just kicking around ideas thanks.
it's a little more then a nag,
nortel said:
Protocol Error: Wrong information element (IE) for message type. Output
data: DCH: x DATA: y . Where: x = D-channel number and y = Message
Action: Contact your technical support group if the problem persists.
Severity: Critical

the only reason it is critical is that a flood of those can ini a switch.. make sure your rls is right on both switches. if you can't add rls 4.5 to the 3 as far end rls, you need a patch. also check pni numbers in both switches, on the routes and cdb's.. another thing i would do make sure the call type on the rlb's match.. that's your last point to modify call type prior to sending... if your call type does not match the route, ie your marking the call ld on the rlb and sending it to an internal route?

another point is you may need to redownload your msdl cards, those can glitch and give you problems

john poole
bellsouth business
Hey John appreciate it. Yea this is a strange one. The rlb's are all set to ext and the pni's all match. The rcaps are set to nd2 and tat. trmb is set to yes on assoc routes. The Dchannel FE software levels are correct. I sys'd the switch last weekend. Im about ready to open a ticket with tas. Just hate giving up. It keeps complaining about dchannel 2 which is the voip to the SS. Theres lots of internal traffic but the hit is only when a LD is placed tandem. I know its an IE error but I havent found in the NTp's PRI208 DCH: 2 DATA: 00000004 where the break down of the IE 00000004. The Nortel tech support website really has nothing either. Ive looked around. Appreciate the info. Ill let you know what I find out.
I just had a thought. I wonder if NRS is doing something to the stream. I have the default route set to the host but it may need something more.
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