I am using ES. The customer number (A/R) is a numeric only field. We want it to be alpha-numeric. It is this way in AP. I checked sql and it accepts alpha numeric. Is it difficult to change this field type and will changing this affect anything else?
In Macola ES, you cannot change the numeric / alphanumeric structure once you choose the method for the chart of accounts, customer and vendors. Though the physical field is a character field, the system changes the justification of the data based on whether the setup is numeric or alphanumeric. If the company is set up as numeric customers and you enter number 2345 it stores it as ' 2345' since it's a 20 character field and it pads it with leading spaces. If the company was set up as alphanumeric customers and you entered the same thing, it would be stored as '2345' because it would left justify everything.
On another note regarding debtor/creditor numbers:
For any new ES implementations that may eventually consider moving to Globe, please also keep in mind that Globe allows numeric only for both customers and vendors.
A bit off topic but on the Globe issue, I have 2 questions:
Is there even going to be a Globe conversion routine?
Does anyone even know of a single company that is using Globe in the USA other than those that were mandated to do so by their European parent company?
Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
I just finished a globe install. They are using it because of it's project accouting ability and are integrating it with esynergy. They are also strictly a US company.
The Canucks have quite a few Globe installs that are NA only. As well, there are a fair number of US installs that are not consolidated or mandated by Euro parent companies. As Kevin notes, project accounting is often a driver for these sites.
No idea on a conversion routine - info on that varies. Even if Exact doesn't write one, a partner probably will.
Maybe I should start a new thread but in regards to project accounting, what does globe do?
One of the weeknesses of Macola historically has been the inability to support construction style accounting or percentage of completion method of accounting. Does Globe address this? How is it different from Macola ES projects?
Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
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