CR 2008
I have a report with Fiscaldate/Year, Account Name and Measure.
the report will contain multiple fiscalmonths at a time. I need to sort the report first by fiscal month -ascending them by measure decending only for the first or earliest fiscal date.
for all dates afterwards, i need to sort ascending by the account name.
i have tried the formula
if min({fiscaldate/Year})={fiscaldate/year} then -{measure} else
then i could sort by @sort asc / 2nd sort on account name asc.
It however wont let me sort on this. @sort formula
I have a report with Fiscaldate/Year, Account Name and Measure.
the report will contain multiple fiscalmonths at a time. I need to sort the report first by fiscal month -ascending them by measure decending only for the first or earliest fiscal date.
for all dates afterwards, i need to sort ascending by the account name.
i have tried the formula
if min({fiscaldate/Year})={fiscaldate/year} then -{measure} else
then i could sort by @sort asc / 2nd sort on account name asc.
It however wont let me sort on this. @sort formula