Hi all I've created a generic search function to make creating custom searches in my Access 2010 application easier.
Here is the function name and its arguments. I won't bore you with the rest.
Public Function SrchFrm(strPrompt As String, _
strForm As String, _
strField As String, _
intDataType AS integer)
I call function and set the intDataType argument as 1 for int or 2 for string, 3 for date so I can specify a where clause based on the data type.
CALL SrchFrm("Hey enter some data, Monkey!","frmPeople","ID",1)
It works, but the problem is; in a couple months when my boss asks for a new search, I'll have to go back and find out which number I selected for a specific data type.
I'd like to be able enter the calling statement in the VB editor and for intellisense to display a selection of properties for intDataType such as acInteger,acString,acDate, so I can select them from the list. Is it a custom property?
Any references or help to get me started? I'm not expecting a full explanation in a post.
Not knowing the terminology makes searching for it a pain.