Assuming your records will entered through a form, you can put this code in the form's Current event procedure:
Dim strSeqNum As String
If IsNull(YourControl) = True Then
strSeqNum = DMax("Right(YourFieldName,3), "YourTable"
YourControl = "C" & Format(Date(), "yymmdd" & Format(CInt(strSeqNum) + 1, "000"
End If
A couple of points:
It would probably be easier to have three fields and in the table definition set the default values to "C", Format(Date(), "yymmdd", the last one can be an autonumber. Then you can format the display by setting the control source of the text boxes to Field1 & Field2 & Format(Field3, "000".
Second, the above definitions will allow for only 1000 records before you will need to start over, unless you plan to restart your sequence number every year or day etc. If that is your intention, then the code above will need to be revised.
Thank you for your prompt reply. At first glance, that code looks really scary. I assume that I can muddle through it.
You said, "unless you plan to restart your sequence number every year or day etc.". Yes, as the day changes, I want the sequence number to change.
In other words, records entered today would be:
Tomorrow would be:
Well, that change will make the code a little more complex. Try this:
Dim strSQL As String
Dim intSeqNum As Integer
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
If IsNull(YourControl) = True Then
strSQL = "Select Top 1 Mid(YourField, 2, 6) As MyDate, Right(YourField, 3) As SeqNum From Your Table Where Mid(YourField, 2, 6) = '" & Format(Date(), "yymmdd" & "' Order By Right(YourField, 3) Desc"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
intSeqNum = 1
intSeqNum = CInt(rst!SeqNum) + 1
End If
YourControl = "C" & Format(Date(), "yymmdd" & Format(intSeqNum, "000"
Set rst = Nothing
End If
Again, this code should go in the Form_Current event procedure.
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