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custom controls and dll's

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Jun 30, 2007
I've created a custom panel control in c# that uses the quartz DLL (using QuartzTypeLib;). I have a form that allows you to set the location and size of the panel/panels within the form which then plays a video with in this panel. This all works well ( I have 4 panels that are all playing videos without any problems). Here comes the "However". However, when I dispose of one of the panels, the dll that the panel is using remains active. I know this because if I dispose of the panel during a video playback, the audio continues and the thread usage does not drop. How do remove the DLL references crated by a particular panel. I think I'm going to hate the answer but will be pleased to recieve any advice.

Thanks in advance, to those that spend the time helping me and other with such issues. I'm still a newbie and would be lost without the help offered in forums such as these.
can you post some code?

Does the quartz dll have any stop() or dispose() methods or something of the like to force any resources to be dropped?
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
panel1.Media_File = textBox1.Text;

private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;

using QuartzTypeLib;

namespace CustomPanel

public partial class ResizablePanel : Panel

private const int WM_APP = 0x8000;
private const int WM_GRAPHNOTIFY = WM_APP + 1;
private const int EC_COMPLETE = 0x01;
private const int WS_CHILD = 0x40000000;
private const int WS_CLIPCHILDREN = 0x2000000;

private FilgraphManager m_objFilterGraph = null;
private IBasicAudio m_objBasicAudio = null;
private IVideoWindow m_objVideoWindow = null;
private IMediaEvent m_objMediaEvent = null;
private IMediaEventEx m_objMediaEventEx = null;
private IMediaPosition m_objMediaPosition = null;

private IMediaControl m_objMediaControl = null;
public string fileloc;

public string Media_File;

protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)

public void LoadMedia()

//Required! Get rid of unused threads, set all back to null


m_objFilterGraph = new FilgraphManager();

// m_objBasicAudio = (IBasicAudio)m_objBasicAudio;
m_objVideoWindow = (IVideoWindow)m_objFilterGraph;
m_objVideoWindow.Owner = (int)this.Handle;
m_objVideoWindow.WindowStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN;
m_objVideoWindow.SetWindowPosition(this.ClientRectangle.Left +2,
this.ClientRectangle.Top +2,
this.ClientRectangle.Width -5,
this.ClientRectangle.Height - 5);

catch (Exception)
m_objVideoWindow = null;

m_objMediaEvent = (IMediaEvent)m_objFilterGraph;
m_objMediaEventEx = (IMediaEventEx)m_objFilterGraph;
m_objMediaEventEx.SetNotifyWindow((int)this.Handle, WM_GRAPHNOTIFY, 0);
m_objMediaPosition = (IMediaPosition)m_objFilterGraph;
m_objMediaControl = (IMediaControl)m_objFilterGraph;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)

if (m.Msg == WM_GRAPHNOTIFY)
int lEventCode;
int lParam1, lParam2;

while (true)
m_objMediaEventEx.GetEvent(out lEventCode,
out lParam1,
out lParam2,

m_objMediaEventEx.FreeEventParams(lEventCode, lParam1, lParam2);

if (lEventCode == EC_COMPLETE)


m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition = 0;
catch (Exception)

base.WndProc(ref m);

private void CleanUp()
if (m_objMediaControl != null)
m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition = 0;
if (m_objMediaEventEx != null) m_objMediaEventEx.SetNotifyWindow(0, 0, 0);

if (m_objVideoWindow != null)
m_objVideoWindow.Visible = 0;
m_objVideoWindow.Owner = 0;

if (m_objMediaControl != null) m_objMediaControl = null;
if (m_objMediaPosition != null) m_objMediaPosition = null;
if (m_objMediaEventEx != null) m_objMediaEventEx = null;
if (m_objMediaEvent != null) m_objMediaEvent = null;
if (m_objVideoWindow != null) m_objVideoWindow = null;
if (m_objBasicAudio != null) m_objBasicAudio = null;
if (m_objFilterGraph != null) m_objFilterGraph = null;

there's some junk in this code, for example CleanUP() appears twice, and some unneeded declarations.
I've deleted a CleanUp() statement just after -> m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition = 0; in CleanUP().

But this is not the problem.

The bit I find of most interest, is that the audio carries on until the end of the media even after you've disposed of the panel. I get the feeling I'm being really stupid and missing the obvious!
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