but i think there's another way using the PREPARE function, do u know about it ?
the method is mentioned in books online, but the problem is that the code is written in SQL for C, and i couldn't manage to make it work in query anylser, any help ?
The PREPARE is available in Embedded SQL{/b] not in T-SQL. You can't use PREPARE in SQL Query Analyzer. Unless you are writing C code and want to use Embedded SQL for C you shouldn't use the reference documents for Embedded C. Refer to the Transact-SQL Reference. Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
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SQL BOL contains syntax and sample code for T-SQL, VB, SQLDMO, ADO, ODBC, etc. Open SQL BOL and click on the contents tab. Find the "Transact-SQL Reference" for T-SQL syntax and examples. Look in "Building SQL Server Applciations" for examples using various APIs and languages. Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
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