Currently the regular expression we are using to define currency is not returning results where we expect. If we receive a currency that has text in it, this does not fail. Does anyone have a better reg exp they can suggest to replace the below?
if(Currency !~ /^((|-)[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9])$/ && Currency !="" && Currency !~ "^[ \t]*$" && Currency !~ "^[ \t]")
{BadCurrencyCount[x]++; #Counts number of bad currencies with respect to each column
BadCurrencyCounter++; #Counts total number of bad currencies, used for pass/fail check
BadCurrencyArray[BadCurrencyCounter]=Currency; #Keeps examples of bad currencies
CurrencyColumn[CURRENCYFIELDS[x]] = (BadCurrencyCount[x] "," CURRENCYFIELDS[x]); #Done to link the actual column # to the array subscript