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CTRL ATL DELETE button in remote tools doesnt work

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Sep 6, 2001
Some of our Windows NT clients do not respond to the CNTRL ALT DELETE button in the remote tools window. I heard this was an issue, and to resolve it, i was told to reboot the machine so that the proper registration entries were written in. I have done that with no luck. Does anyone know which registry entries to look at or how to get around the problem? I was going to repair the installation on the remote machine, but i believe that has already been done.
From what I can make out it does seem to bequite common.

The key you need to edit is hkey local machine\system\current control set\services. Then you may or may not have a key called kbstuff. If you have it, it should contain the following:

Start:reg_dword 1
Type: reg_dword 1
Errorcontrol: reg_dword 1
DisplayName reg_sz SMS Remote Control Keyboard Driver
Group: Reg_sz Keyboard Port
ImagePath: ReG_sz System32\drivers\kbstuff.sys

If not add the key and type in the above (obviously changing imagepath if necessary. Reboot the PC and all should be OK.
well, it looks like the registry is fine on the computer's i looked at, so i guess i am back to square one :p
Have you tried deleting any other subkeys below this? eg enum. Delete all thesee and reboot, this may help.

Obviosuly check that kbstuff.sys path is correct and file is there.
I have run into the same issue. Everything looks fine but the gold key just won't work. The only way I could make it work was to scrub and re-install the client. Remember - this is Microsoft: uninstall and re-install! Good luck!
Per Microsoft:

SMS: The "Gold Key" Button May Not Respond [Q253118]

PSS ID Number: Q253118
Article last modified on 07-27-2001


The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2.0


The Gold Key button in the Remote Control Quick Viewer window may not respond.
This button is used to send a CTRL+ALT+DEL key sequence to a Microsoft Windows
NT-based client computer during a remote control session.

You can use the Gold Key button to log on to a computer that you want to control
remotely if no users are currently logged on to that client, or if the logon
screen saver is running. During a remote control session to a Windows NT-based
client, the Gold Key button may not respond, even though the mouse works for
other desktop selections on the administrative console computer.


This behavior can occur if your computer contains an incorrect file version or
if your computer has an unloaded driver.


To work around this behavior, verify the following items on a Windows NT-based

1. Verify that the Remote Control components are installed and that the client
has restarted.

2. From the client, click Devices in Control Panel. Verify that the Systems
Management Server (SMS) Remote Control Keyboard driver runs and is set to
automatically start. If not, start this driver and restart the client. If
third-party mouse drivers are running on the computer, unload them.

3. On the client, examine the date and version of both the Kbstuff.sys and
Rchelp.sys files.

4. The Kbstuff.sys file is located in the <Windir>\System32\Drivers
folder. Make sure that this file is version 2.00.1239.0000 or later, with a
last-modified time and date stamp of 12-18-1998.

If this computer has been a client of an SMS version 1.2 site, an earlier
version of the Kbstuff.sys file (version 3.51, dated 6-27-1996) may be
located in the <Windir>\System32\Drivers folder. An earlier version of
the Kbstuff.sys file can disable the functions of a mouse, even if the Gold
Key button works.

The Rchelp.sys file is located in the <Windir>\System32\Drivers folder.
Make sure that this file is version 4.0 or later, with a time and date stamp
of 6-25-1999. The earlier version of the Rchelp.sys file is 2.0, dated

If there are out-of-date files, replace them with files from a computer that
has a functioning Gold Key button, and then restart the computer.

5. Verify the existence of the following registry keys and the registry value of
the Image Path (the correct value is System32\Drivers):




6. If you have the Kbstuff.sys file (dated: 4-15-2000, from SMS version 2
Service Pack 2 [SP2]) and your computer is running Windows NT 4.0 Service
Pack 4 (SP4), you must replace it with the Kbstuff.sys file (dated: 6-25-1999
from SMS version 2 Service Pack 1 [SP1]).

Additional query words: prodsms remctrl kbstuff.sys rchelp.sys

Keywords : kbsetup kbClient kbMMC kbRemote kbsms200 kbCollections kbHelpDesk kbsmsAdmin kbUpgrade kbRemoteProg
Technology : kbSMSSearch kbSMS200
Version : :2.0
Issue type : kbprb
Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.

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