Could you please help me out? I have the following xml document that uses CSS to display information in a particular display format. What happens when I views it, it just displays the text normally but no rendering. Could you please let me know if I am doing something wrong? Here is the code:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="#internalstyles" ?>
<style id="internalstyles">
annotation {border:solid 3px green; font-size:12pt;
para {font-size:11pt;display:block;}
<para>The rain spat against the apartment's window pane,
torrential for this part of Los Angeles, though Gina would
not have much noticed it at home. The rain straddled the
boundary between the life blessing touch that this
valley so seldom received and the caustic depressed
state that lately so made up her soul. </para>
<para>"Rain, Rain, Go Away," she sang listlessly, though as
she doodled over the script that Stan had sent, Gina secretly
relished the rain, as indulgent as the black mood she wore
around herself.</para>
<para>Rain is a metaphor throughout this story as an expression
of both elemental force and chaotic emotions.</para>
<para>She didn't want to do the script, not really - the
scripts that she received anymore were hardly star makers,
though her star had risen fairly high once, only to be knocked
off course by the ... ah, what was the term the publicist had
used ... the incident, that was it. </para>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="#internalstyles" ?>
<style id="internalstyles">
annotation {border:solid 3px green; font-size:12pt;
para {font-size:11pt;display:block;}
<para>The rain spat against the apartment's window pane,
torrential for this part of Los Angeles, though Gina would
not have much noticed it at home. The rain straddled the
boundary between the life blessing touch that this
valley so seldom received and the caustic depressed
state that lately so made up her soul. </para>
<para>"Rain, Rain, Go Away," she sang listlessly, though as
she doodled over the script that Stan had sent, Gina secretly
relished the rain, as indulgent as the black mood she wore
around herself.</para>
<para>Rain is a metaphor throughout this story as an expression
of both elemental force and chaotic emotions.</para>
<para>She didn't want to do the script, not really - the
scripts that she received anymore were hardly star makers,
though her star had risen fairly high once, only to be knocked
off course by the ... ah, what was the term the publicist had
used ... the incident, that was it. </para>