Hey guys,
I have got a CXi controller (with 5.0 SP2 PR1). The logs are FILLED with the following 3 events. Users are reporting calls being dropped.
Log Type Software
Log Number 1709
Severity Warning
Date 2014/Feb/25
Time 08:32:24
Source CSC
Description Unexpected Result processRequest - Task: Csc Request (iMiFsmEvent(id PROCESS_REQUEST)(type CscEventRequest)(request (CscRequest(Type CSC_OPEN_RX)(RX (Port(PortId 10)(CompId T1PRA_SP)(PortType PORT_TYPE_TDM_BUS)(GatewayId 1)(ConnectionResponseTime ))(Stream 1))))) Failed for connection (iMiFsmContext(RtpTdmConnection ((State (MiFsmState CONNECTED)))))
Module Main
File Name and Line Number Connection.cpp;1111
Log Type Software
Log Number 1708
Severity Error
Date 2014/Feb/25
Time 08:32:24
Source CSC
Description Unexpected Result OpenRx - Task: Csc Unable to process this request, reject.
Module Main
File Name and Line Number RtpTdmConnection.cpp;4244
Log Type Software
Log Number 1707
Severity Warning
Date 2014/Feb/25
Time 08:32:24
Source MIFSM
Description Unexpected Result HandleEvent() - No transition from (MiFsmState CONNECTED) on event (iMiFsmEvent(id CONNECT_REQUEST)(type CscEventOpen)(MsgId 2219891109)(ConnectionId 72404621)(Port (Port(PortId 10)(CompId T1PRA_SP)(PortType PORT_TYPE_TDM_BUS)(GatewayId 1)(ConnectionResponseTime ))(stream 1))(ReserveMany 1)(MDL(MediaDescriptorList(MediaDescriptor(MediaType audio:RTP/AVP)(StreamDirection recvonly)(IpAddr TERM_CAP_G711_ALAW64)(AVProfileNum 8))(MDCodec(Codec TERM_CAP_G711_ULAW64)(AVProfileNum 0)
Module Main
File Name and Line Number MiFsmEngine.cpp;92
Can anyone shed some light on what these warnings/errors mean?
Any help would be appreciated!
Don't confuse DTMF with DTF. They have very different meanings....
I have got a CXi controller (with 5.0 SP2 PR1). The logs are FILLED with the following 3 events. Users are reporting calls being dropped.
Log Type Software
Log Number 1709
Severity Warning
Date 2014/Feb/25
Time 08:32:24
Source CSC
Description Unexpected Result processRequest - Task: Csc Request (iMiFsmEvent(id PROCESS_REQUEST)(type CscEventRequest)(request (CscRequest(Type CSC_OPEN_RX)(RX (Port(PortId 10)(CompId T1PRA_SP)(PortType PORT_TYPE_TDM_BUS)(GatewayId 1)(ConnectionResponseTime ))(Stream 1))))) Failed for connection (iMiFsmContext(RtpTdmConnection ((State (MiFsmState CONNECTED)))))
Module Main
File Name and Line Number Connection.cpp;1111
Log Type Software
Log Number 1708
Severity Error
Date 2014/Feb/25
Time 08:32:24
Source CSC
Description Unexpected Result OpenRx - Task: Csc Unable to process this request, reject.
Module Main
File Name and Line Number RtpTdmConnection.cpp;4244
Log Type Software
Log Number 1707
Severity Warning
Date 2014/Feb/25
Time 08:32:24
Source MIFSM
Description Unexpected Result HandleEvent() - No transition from (MiFsmState CONNECTED) on event (iMiFsmEvent(id CONNECT_REQUEST)(type CscEventOpen)(MsgId 2219891109)(ConnectionId 72404621)(Port (Port(PortId 10)(CompId T1PRA_SP)(PortType PORT_TYPE_TDM_BUS)(GatewayId 1)(ConnectionResponseTime ))(stream 1))(ReserveMany 1)(MDL(MediaDescriptorList(MediaDescriptor(MediaType audio:RTP/AVP)(StreamDirection recvonly)(IpAddr TERM_CAP_G711_ALAW64)(AVProfileNum 8))(MDCodec(Codec TERM_CAP_G711_ULAW64)(AVProfileNum 0)
Module Main
File Name and Line Number MiFsmEngine.cpp;92
Can anyone shed some light on what these warnings/errors mean?
Any help would be appreciated!
Don't confuse DTMF with DTF. They have very different meanings....